Jason Lupo for Colorado HD20 - Defending Colorado's Youth

4 months ago

Vote for Jason Lupo in Colorado's Primary on June 25th to serve as your next Representative in House District 20.

Jason Lupo is a front line warrior fighting for Colorado's Youth and Families. He is not a politician, and would not even consider stepping into a campaign if he saw that our current elected officials were outspoken and courageous when it came to stepping up for what is moral, ethical and right for our families and future generations.

Bills and Legislation are consistently presented that strip parental rights, destroy traditional family values and force medical decisions on the public. A war has been launched against business owners who don't bend to the radical left and doctors who disagree with progressive recommendations of government entities acting on political rhetoric rather than medical reasoning.

Colorado is not at a Crossroad, it is already heading down a track of destruction and our legislators, with few exceptions, are standing by silently as freedoms are being stripped away from the citizens of this great state.

Jason Lupo will not be silent, he has never have been silent. Jason is a fighter for our youth and families, and will fight endlessly to protect the freedoms of his constituents.

It's time for a change, it's time for elected officials to make noise when bills are introduced that interfere with the rights of our most vulnerable.

We cannot standby as the woke crowd attempts to normalize abnormal behaviors and allows for young people to alter their bodies and create permanent damage during adolescence.

With a long history of serving youth and families through coaching, teaching and serving in youth ministry, Jason Lupo has proven his passion to protect our youth, and serving as a legislator is the next step in his tireless quest to protect the future for generations to come.

It is for these reasons that we ask for your support in his campaign to serve you as State Legislator in House District 20.

Please consider a donation to support the efforts in electing Jason Lupo to serve as State Legislator in Colorado House District 20. Your donation will go a long way in furthering the reach that our campaign has throughout the Colorado Springs, Monument, Black Forest and Falcon area.


Without your support, we would be unable to truly reach as many constituents as needed to secure a much needed victory for Colorado.

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