Hunting the Heritic

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Dark Tide Game Play

Preacher Eran Gudi-Never forget you are the walls of steel and iron, between Mankind and a thousand horrors too unspeakable to name. You are the walls of Hell.

- address to the Cadian 17th Armoured Regiment

Uriah Jacobus-Death in service to the Emperor is its own reward. Life in failure to Him is its own condemnation.
- Epistles (Verse 93)

-*-Imperial hymnal-*-
Love the Emperor,
for He is the salvation of mankind

Obey His words,

for He will lead you into the light of the future

Heed His wisdom,

for He will protect you from evil

Whisper His prayers with devotion,

for they will salve your soul

Honour His servants,

for they speak in His voice

Tremble before His majesty,

for we all walk in His immortal shadow

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