Boston Van Hool Bus for Sale

6 years ago

71 Stuart St
Boston, MA 02116


Mon-Sun 9 a.m - 5 p.m

Cash, all cc, checks

We know buses inside and out, since this is what we were made to do. We do not dabble in other types of automobiles, and we do not compromise our exacting standards for anybody. We are the tops in the industry, and we have been the leader in Boston bus providers for the past three decades. We have the top, state of the art equipment that means you are buying genuine Van Hool buses that have been worked on by experienced workers using the best equipment.
Our buses are Van Hool, which are well known around the entire bus industry of being the top of the line in quality and affordability. Founded in Belgium after World War II, Van Hool buses and coaches have set the standard in the half century plus since then, making hundreds of thousands of customers happy with their affordable, safe, reliable transportation. Millions have ridden on Van Hool buses, marveling at their comfort and spacious interiors.
They are the finest option on the market, and they are available to Boston and the surrounding boroughs thanks to our team here at Van Hool Bus for Sale.
Give us a call today, or fill out one of our no-obligation online submission forms to find out more information about what we can do for you.

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