Anam Paiseanta Voluntaryists Anarchists Networking Connector App Constitutional Rights

7 months ago

Anam Paiseanta is a Realestate Investor/Mentor, founding member of the Voluntarist MC (Motorcycle Club) and CEO of the Connector App. We chat about how the Connector App will help like minded people connect and network. While it was started with anarchists and voluntaryists in mind, Anam recognizes the power of the app to connect businesses, clubs, and other organizations, really anyone anywhere, with people who think and act within a similar mindset and morality. We also take some time to bash the Constitution and the "Rights" statists pretend they're protecting through participating in the political system.

Follow Anam and the development of the Connector App, respectively, on Instagram @AnamPaiseanta, @connector_app.

Visit the Connector App website to find out more about the App, the Token and the tech it's all built on.

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