WOKE Kotaku Writer Alyssa Mercante Faces Karma!!!

9 months ago

It's incredibly hypocritical of Alyssa Mercante to act like a victim now, considering she just messaged Smash JT's wife last week in an attempt to harass and threaten his family over the videos he makes about her. Alyssa's behavior is a classic case of dishing out what she can't take—she's quick to engage in harassment herself but cries foul when faced with similar actions. Her lack of self-awareness and accountability is astonishing, especially when she's directly responsible for initiating this cycle of harassment. This double standard only underscores her inability to handle the consequences of her own actions.

So, what's going on here? Alyssa Mercante is back in the news for reasons she'd rather avoid. It seems her sister's website has been hacked, or the domain has been purchased and is now being used to harass her. While I do not condone this behavior towards anyone for any reason, I can’t help but find some irony in the situation. It feels like the consequences of her actions are coming back to haunt her.

First off, let me clarify that I don’t support harassment of any kind. I woke up this morning to a shout-out from Master of TDS, who shared that someone bought Alyssa's sister's domain name and is emailing her for comments on Alyssa’s actions. Alyssa tweeted, “Some chud paid for my sister's domain name and is emailing her and me for comment on ‘my actions’. Tell me again how this isn’t a harassment campaign comprised of obsessive losers with too much free time.”

It's fascinating how Alyssa can’t see that her own actions are creating the chaos in her life. The entire reason this is happening is because she invited it, and I don't want that to be overlooked. She’s been provoking people to bring this on her just to play the victim when something goes wrong.

On the website, there’s even a link to a tweet saying, “Quick thing: doxxing is not reaching out to someone's significant other and sending a polite message. Doxxing is posting someone's home address. Thanks.” So, I guess it’s not harassment if this person is creating a website and reaching out to her family members, sending a polite message asking about the actions she’s taken.

Again, I do not condone anyone harassing Alyssa or her family members. Even though she did that to me, I could have easily taken the approach of, "Hey, she asked for it, so go get her," but I don’t believe in that. However, this is how the internet works. When you publicly throw stuff out there, holding it over people like you’re untouchable, people are going to tear you down. Alyssa is learning that lesson right now.

It's impressive to see Mercante's inability to recognize the repercussions of her behavior, proving just how disillusioned and mentally unhinged she really is. People on Twitter are having a field day absolutely destroying her. I don’t condone it, but I can see the comedy in it. It’s funny that she can’t recognize why this is happening to her, nor does she take any accountability.

Her employer, Kotaku, hasn’t publicly said anything about any repercussions for her actions. Instead, the internet is taking it upon itself to deal with this. Someone purchased the domain name alanamercante.com and is using it to contact Alana and Alyssa, reportedly emailing the sisters seeking comments on Alyssa’s actions.

Alyssa claims this is a harassment campaign driven by obsessive losers with too much free time. The complete lack of introspection is striking. She went on Twitter saying, “Explain to me how paying for a domain name for one of my family members and then emailing her from that is even remotely comparable to a polite DM.” She deleted that tweet, realizing it’s exactly the same thing.

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