The Empress's Ascension Energy Vlog

9 months ago

Empress's Ascension Energy Vlog title is form the date May 17, 2024 thus 30 which give us #3 the Empress Card a divine female, the Earth Mother with the cornucopia of abundance. The Ascension comes from the spiritual message taht Shala and the council of twelve delivered today in the channeling. We have the potential to raise the planet to fifth dimensional consciousness Moving the earth to a fourth density vibration to ascend our plante out of the control of the third dimensional construct we have been in for thousand of years.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site showed us two amplitudes of the same power 17 the first at 6:45 AM UTC thus the Devil is overwhelmed by the hope and clarity of vision of your star of destiny. The second amplitude power of 17 at 12.36 PM UTC thus we have 20 Teh Judgement against the Devil grant the Star hope for a bright future for humanity. The Quality power of 8 gives us Strength and bravery to face our inner demons and find the power to raise our vibration into the 5th dimensional consciousness. The frequency average of 7.90 hertz gives us #16 the Tower card a falling away of unneeded structure a clearing of the way to a new future or a new way to be.

Therefore, we can say about it all is: The Empress wit her divinity wishes upon her Star of destiny that w she will have the strength and bravery to face the devil and tear down his dark tower of control.

In addition to the channeling from Shala and the council of 12, we pulled a card from the Dragon Oracle deck. That card was the White Gold dragon from Lyrica who connects you to the Highest christed light,. He invite you to bathe in multidimensional christed light. They are here to adi us as the Sun our star send tow more X class CME's to raise our vibration to the highest we can sustain.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
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