What is a prophetic dream? 👇

10 months ago

I want to talk for just a minute on "prophetic" dreams. What is a "prophetic" dream? "Prophetic" is defined as "of or belonging to or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy or foretelling events as if by divine inspiration." A "prophet" is defined as "a person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of God is expressed." I think this is really fascinating because there's a lot of people out there that share dreams and they say this is a "prophetic" dream. A lot of the time, they don't interpret the dream. So my question is, how do you know it's "prophetic"? How do you know it's not symbolic of a deeper message of what God is trying to say? Perhaps He is putting His finger on a current situation, not necessarily just speaking about the future. Since we know that all dreams come from God, it's important to realize that all dreams have value. And we don't have to say "prophetic dream" in order to feel like it carries more weight than any other dream.

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