#001 Fico "Assassination" Incident ANALYSIS by ENG-Anon

4 months ago

We can peel back layers of perception - the outer ones being the more obvious ones, and the inner ones, less so. The outer layer is "the loner", the member of the general public camp that hates Fico. The next layer is that this was a WHO or Ukraine or both hit, but as Ritter has rightly pointed out, a professional hitman would have put "paid" on Fico's account. The next onion layer down, and it is eye-watering and smelly, is that this old person was "encouraged" to carry out his ridiculous attempt on Fico's life, by parading the hapless PM in a location where his ambush would be permitted, but this layer is rotten! This is ludicrous! First of all, the security would NEVER expose their charge to danger. Second, had some lone gunman opened fire on the PM, it would have immediately been met with return fire that is deadlier and far superior. The lone gunman wouldn't be breathing, after an exchange with the guards, who are more than likely former military who LEAN IN and TURN INTO fire, unlike civilians who duck for cover. Peel back this putrid layer and discard it - it's nonsensical. There is a fourth layer, beneath, not so rotten. but it might start to rot if left exposed to the air too long! That option is that Fico and his guard - as well as the gunman - we all in on it. The pistol was loaded with rubber bullets, and Fico was given a vest. This was "engineered" so that a serious and real connection cold be "uncovered" to clearly demonstrate that WHO is corrupt, so corrupt, it has taken to assassinating heads of state that publicly oppose them and cause them humiliation and take wind out of their authoritarian sails. So set your watches, ladies an gentlemen. I am hereby predicting, with confidence, that this will result in public exposure of connections to major globalist players who sanctioned a hit. So desperate, they got sloppy and ordered the hit. There will even be a paper trail. You watch. Slovakia and Fico (the Slovak good guys) have been really fighting against the globalist scum as David fought Goliath. They also have their marching orders, as ordered by the worldwide resistance. Fico was ordered to take rubber bullets and the trap is being set for the globalists. The coup-de-grace of the globalists is now in the timeline. Pascal Najadi has been calling very loudly for the arrest of all WEF, WHO, GAVI, Swiss Govt, and he is correct. The soothing words and measured and level unveiling of evidence by people like Dr. John Campbell has not gotten through to people. The connection must now be made for everyone to see, and the heavy artillery is being broken out. I mean, they will expose it. I have a feeling this is the beginning of the very end for the Globalists. Let us hope so.

The initiative is in the hands of the white hats. Who knows, they may choose to discard this option in favor of others, which present themselves rapidly on the world stage, as opportunities come and go and conditions change. We may never know!

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