A Vision about World War III - John S. Torell

9 months ago


Welcome to Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group of believers who desire to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ without compromise to His Word. We believe, teach and practice all things that Jesus taught and were practiced by the Church in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus called his disciples to be salt and light. Salt is a preservative but it is also something that adds savor and enjoyment to our daily food. Light is a symbol of truth; it is comforting, penetrating, guiding and exposes darkness. We seek to preserve biblical truth and shed the glorious light of the Gospel in a world that is consumed by darkness.

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When I joined a Southern Baptist Church in 1966 no one talked about prophecy or the moving of the Holy Spirit. As a result, I did not believe that God would speak new prophecies to the church. I accepted the Old Testament prophets but believed that God didn’t speak anymore since Jesus had come and now the Bible is our single source of guidance. This all changed when I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1971, but a lot of false prophecy from apostate evangelists and pastors in the Charismatic movement turned me off and I dismissed their prophetic messages about the end times.

I was recently sent a prophetic vision from the Maranatha Church in Stockholm that deeply impacted me. The woman who received the vision in the 1960’s was credible and so was Emanuel Minos, the Norwegian evangelist who wrote it down. He and his wife felt the vision was far-fetched and difficult to believe and decided not to publish it. Fast forward 25 years, Minos was going through old files when he found some papers that had become yellow with age. When he read the vision again, he was shaken as he realized that the four major points of the vision had been fulfilled.

The vision reveals the outbreak of World War III and four conditions that must be met before this horrible war breaks out. I have examined each of the four points and compared them with history and it is chilling to see how they have been fulfilled. As I prayed over the matter, the Holy Spirit pointed out that history repeats itself, and what took place in the 1930’s would be repeated again with the exception that Germany would not be the main player this time. Upon examining Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I realized that Vladimir Putin is using the same playbook that Adolf Hitler had used 79 years ago.

I have carefully documented the historical events that led to World War II and the events taking place in Europe today are unsettling. If we are that close to the outbreak of World War III, it is time for Christians to increase our effort to reach the lost with the message of Jesus Christ. We can’t stop this future war but we can ask God to delay it. My prayer is that God will stir your spirit into action.


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