There is no doubt it works, no tricks or special steps

9 months ago

A 1on1 isn’t trying to make you a copy of me, it’s so I can help you become the best version of you!

- Having me download into your brain, things that took me years and years to learn, in only a few hours
- In-field training where I help you fix all the little mistakes you are making, especially the ones you don’t even know you are making
- Getting the feedback you need to improve, not the fake feedback you have been getting your whole life
- A fully customized training session where we focus on the areas you want level up in, not me forcing you into places like clubs that you hate and will never go back to. (I hate clubs to!)
- Totally private, nothing posted online about, ever, unless you OK it.

A weekend will change your life!

To get coaching =

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