Archangel Metatron - Akashic Records Scribe - Angel SoundZ

9 months ago

Angel SoundZ - Soothing Music for Sleep, Healing, Meditation, Focus, or Studying.
Metatron would be “He who occupies the throne next to the Divine throne”. This is said to come from a combination of two Greek words, “meta” meaning “after”, and “thronos” meaning “throne” - “He who serves behind the throne”, which refers to Metatron as being the closest angel to God.
He reports much in his job as celestial scribe and records it in the Akashic records, the Book of Life.
Metatron, is often surrounded by a bright light, dressed in a blue or violet robe with gold layering. Gold being the vibration of wisdom merged with the Christ consciousness equally with angelic frequency.
His symbol and sigil are Metatron’s cube, an energy tool that pushes away negative energy and heals. Useful for meditating upon for incoming new wisdom. Metatron’s cube is a famous sacred geometry symbol – derived from the ancient flower of life. It is said that the cube was created from his soul and made to repel demons and evil spirits. The different shapes of Metatron’s cube – the lines, circles, and triangles – form the shapes of the famous Platonic solids, which were believed by ancient Greeks to have created the universe. Metatron’s cube, also known as the Merkabah, is said to contain all of the geometric shapes of the Divine Universe and all the patterns that God created. The cube spins clockwise and serves as a vehicle for the etheric body to move to other dimensions and other realms; a Merkabah which allows you to move through time and space to access other dimensions. Metatron’s presence is often felt through bright flashes of light, or a tingling at the crown chakra. He has electric energy feel and an aura that has both violet and gold spiritual energy. Meditate upon the cube and ask for his help!

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