What God Values, Whiskey Mash Ups & Uncrushable Encounters // Carl T Hubrr's SB Sp Brandy Finished

9 months ago


In this episode of JB's Bible and Bourbon Talk, JB and Fancy Rob discuss the measure of a person's worth. They emphasize that outward appearances and possessions do not determine a person's value, but rather it is their character and heart that matter. They highlight the importance of having an inward belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior, as this is what truly determines a person's worth. The conversation explores the themes of self-worth, character, and the importance of focusing on what is inside rather than external factors.

For the feature Pour portion of the show JB and Fancy Rob share a pour from Starlight Distillery with Carl T Huber’s single barrel finished in a Spanish brandy cask. They also experiment with mixing the bourbon with other spirits and snacks. And JB’s wife makes her first appearance on the show to her surprise.

Pours this episode:
- Gervasi Maple Cask (JB)
- High West Double Rye, Grape Cask Finished (Rob)
- Bowman Brothers Port Cask Finished (JB)
- Old Grandad 114 (Rob)
- Carl T Huber's Spanish Brandy Finished Single Barrel Pick from Seelbach's (Featured Pour)

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