Global Warming BS The Satanic Lie to Control Us 16-May-2024

9 months ago
Carbon dioxide is vital to plants, plankton and all forms of carbon based life. The more CO2, the more life flourishes. That's why they pump it into greenhouses for faster growth. The current level is .04% or 441 ppm. To claim that has any effect on the climate is sheer insanity. Billions of dollars are spent each year to promote this lie. Try to point that out to someone and they'll say "what about the forest fires?" Those were deliberately set to push this big lie after drying them out with chemtrails. If you doubt the narrative they call you a 'climate change denier.' LoL. Historically CO2 levels have been much higher. The 'global warming' narrative is funded with billions of dollars to give the Cabal the excuse to cull the population, shut down our industry, take our vehicles away, herd us into prison cities and feed us bugs. It 'justifies' the whole push to the NWO and the youth particularly are brainwashed into this cult. The whole system is corrupt to the core: science, media, government, education, it's all controlled by the antichrist liars. These hypocrites are spraying toxic metallic aerosols in our sky, killing the insects & phytoplankton, the base of the food chain, so they can blame us for all the damage they're causing.
Chemtrail Facts:
Max Igan confirms that Aluminum Barium and Strontium are regularly found in sparklers. They are incendiaries, designed to burn forests more efficiently.

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