President Xi and President Putin met again in Zhongnanhai

9 months ago

Video: President Xi and President Putin met again in Zhongnanhai and had an in-depth exchange of views on the Ukraine crisis & world’s affairs. 習近平主席和普丁總統在中南海再次會晤,就烏克蘭危機和世界事務深入交換意見.

Chinese always like to spend time to get to know each others. I have been taking US businesses to China for almost 40 years. I was also appointed by Gary Locke of the US Dept of Commerce as the Chairman of Hawai’i Export Council. 中國人總是喜歡花時間去了解彼此。過去40 年, 我一直在帶領美國企業進入中國。我還被美國商務部的駱家輝任命為夏威夷出口委員會主席.

The early days Americans like to bring their attorneys and 100 pages contracts to China. They had expected to come in late night, go to the office tomorrow made the presentation and close the deals. How were they disappointed that Chinese counterparts want to spend 1-2 days to get to know each others including their families with absolutely no business discussions at all. 早期美國人喜歡把律師和100頁的合約帶到中國。他們原本預計會在深夜到達中國,明天去辦公室進行推廣並完成交易。但他們的中國主管卻想要花一到兩天的時間來了解彼此(包括他們的家人)而完全不討論任何業務討論,美方代表或主管感到多麼失望.

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