Are you making every moment count?

5 months ago

Life is short and unpredictable, like a vapor that vanishes. We must acknowledge the brevity of life and make wise use of our time.

Every fleeting moment carries profound significance, for once it slips through our grasp, it becomes an irreplaceable fragment of our past.

We must work diligently to deepen our relationship with God and strive to understand His purpose for us, so we can navigate our time on earth with intentionality and meaning.

Let us make the most of our time, utilizing it for acts of kindness, service, and devotion to God, knowing that each moment holds the potential to shape our eternal legacy.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17
#LifeIsShort #MakeItCount #LiveWithPurpose #TimeIsPrecious #SeizeTheMoment #SpiritualJourney #EternalLegacy #FaithJourney #EmbraceThePresent #CherishEveryMoment #MindfulLiving #DivinePurpose #TimeWellSpent #GratitudeAttitude #SoulfulJourney #LiveIntentionally #GodsWill #MakeADifference #cgicanada #faithjourney #churchofgodinternationalcanada #faithfulliving #spiritualgrowth #churchcommunity #spiritualjourney #strength

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