No bees no food🐝

10 months ago

NEW ZELAND - This man has been forced to destroy millions of healthy bees by burning because the National American Foulbrood Management Agency found spores, well below that of infection levels & no disease.

Zero compensation.

The decline of bee populations poses a dire threat to global agriculture, with approximately 75% of crops relying on bee pollination for reproduction.
Bee populations are crucial for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem stability. However, the alarming trend has led to desperate measures in some regions. In response to so called outbreaks of diseases like American foulbrood, local councils mandate the burning of beehives. This is a devastating blow to beekeepers and agriculture alike.

No bees no food.

Farms all over the world are under attack.

Follow @springbankhoney

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#foodshortage #wef #un #conspiracy #pollen

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