Two World Powers are Fighting for the Mediterranean Sea

8 months ago

Though most of the world is unaware, two world powers are fighting for the Mediterranean Sea. Understand what your Bible says about this strategic struggle between mighty kings.

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Two world powers are fighting for the Mediterranean Sea. Your Bible has a lot to say about this Earth-shaking clash. You can know which side will prevail.

Your Bible focuses on four main sectors of the world in this end time: the modern descendants of ancient Israel, a German-led Europe, radical Islam led by Iran, and the Far East.

When Russia and China are rivals, the rest of the world can breathe easy. But in recent years, these two Far East powers have strengthened ties. Russia and China are becoming close allies, boldly defying the wishes of the West.

Request our free booklet Russia and China in Prophecy to understand God’s perspective on the Far East. Prove the biblical identity of the modern Asian nations. Uncover a secret agreement between Germany and Russia that allows them to conquer their own regions before turning on each other. This has happened before and is happening again—right now! Europe is terrified of a strong partnership between Russia and China. Your Bible says a European superpower will soon preemptively strike these “kings of the east.”

Request Russia and China in Prophecy to comprehend China’s miraculous rise to prominence in recent years. Learn how nations such as India and Japan fit into the biblically foretold alliance of the “kings of the east.” Bible prophecy gives us a remarkable, penetrating preview of Asia’s future—and how the Far East will soon impact every person on the planet.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans. Practically overnight, Germany rose from the ashes of World War II and now dominates Europe. Shamefully, Germany’s main benefactor was also its archrival in World War II: the United States of America. How quickly we forget our own history!

Thanks to America, Germany has already conquered the Balkans, the first outposts of its next war-making empire. We ought to hear the sirens of World War III, but instead the world has learned to trust Germany. Your Bible says this is a fatal mistake.

Also request The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy and “Why Germany Conquered Cyprus.” Expose Germany’s hidden military ambitions and its millenniums-long history of starting wars.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Russia and China in Prophecy, Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans, The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy, and “Why Germany Conquered Cyprus.” Order now!

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