1 PETER CH 3. Part 2. Baptism is “through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

9 months ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Thursday, May 16, 2024 1 PETER CH 3. Part 2. Baptism is “through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878
Also as we have noted, Peter is writing to a group of new believers in Yeshua in this area (modern day Turkey). Each of these had churches spread throughout that area.
The book of James stresses the importance of having control of the tongue. James uses various illustrations to show how a relatively small thing, like the tongue, can have a huge impact. James uses illustrations that most can understand.
Peter is NOT denying the possibility that persecution, difficulty, and suffering will be encountered by the people of GOD. The apostle does not view the situation solely in terms of the immediate present, but he considers the position of faithful believers in relation to eternity. No amount of earthly suffering can do them permanent harm or alter their positional standing with GOD. Peter is saying don’t let it change your condition.
We should be set apart to GOD’s service, but we should also set HIM apart in our hearts as our LORD and Master. Even though we may be persecuted for our faith. GOD does indeed demand that we be willing to defend our views to others.

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