美洲山鷸 - 會跟節拍跳舞的鳥?

10 months ago

影片描述:有趣的美洲山鷸鳥(American Woodcocks),它的構造與大多數其他鳥類完全相反。但差異不止於此。它會「跳舞」,昂首闊步,而受到威脅時它會靜止不動。這種知更鳥大小的雀鳥,身體內外充滿了許多古怪但又可愛之處,所以人們很難不喜歡它。就像一隻有著一連串昵稱的寵物,美洲山鷸也有好幾個渾名,包括Timberdoodle(樹木塗鴉者)、Bogsucker(沼澤者)、Hokumpoke(胡鬧地插?)、Labrador Twister(拉布拉多旋扭者?)和Night Partridge(夜鷓鴣)。Scolopax minor是它的學名。雖然學術上美洲山鷸是鷸的一種,被認為是濱鳥,但它更常在林地和沼澤的邊緣活動,而不是在海灘附近棲息。








The birds of Indiana with Illustrations of Many of the Species, Amos W. Butler, WM. B. Buford, 1891.

The role of the avian prefrontal cortex (Nidopallium Caudolaterale) in decision-making, Tobias Kalenscher, Apr. 2005: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40535660_The_role_of_the_avian_prefrontal_cortex_Nidopallium_Caudolaterale_in_decision-making

"Scolopax minor" - IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, BirdLife International, 2020.

10 Fun Facts About The American Woodcock, audubon.org: https://www.audubon.org/news/10-fun-facts-about-american-woodcock

Lives of North American Birds, Kenn Kaufman, Houghton Mifflin, 1996.

Book of the American Woodcock, William G. Sheldon, University of Massachusetts, 1971.

Field Guide to Upland Birds and Waterfowl, Christopher Smith, Wilderness Adventures Press, 2000.

"American Woodcock Identification, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology": https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/American_Woodcock/photo-gallery

"Avian vision: a review of form and function with special consideration to birds of prey", Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, Michael P.Jones, Kenneth E. Pierce & Daniel Ward, 16 (2): 69., 2007.

Amazing Bird Records, Trails.com, 27 Jul. 2010.

The Shorebird Guide, Michael O'Brien, Richard Crossley & Kevin Karlson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006.

"American Woodcock", Audubon, National Audubon Society: https://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/american-woodcock

"Note on the Woodcock Rocking Display", Bernd Heinrich, Northeastern Naturalist, 23 (1): N4–N7, 1 Mar. 2016.



Cornell Lab of Ornithology


National Audubon Society

US Fish and Wildlife Service

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

US National Park Service


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