Episode 422: Crushed My Presuppositions - Shattered

8 months ago

Full description at: https://bit.ly/44T4nmI
This weeks program preparations crushed my presuppositions about the foundations of the Constitution. Have you ever had your presuppositions crushed - shattered? Did you ever, over time think that ‘something is wrong in the State of Denmark?’ You know, you have had the inkling1 in the back of your mind, ‘there is more going on than what I’m seeing or reading on the surface of it all?’

I know my critics will be all over me on this. Let me put it to you this way. The Constitution is the most unique form of covenantal government devised by men. It is the law of the land. With the original Ten Amendments it is the most functional system that should be able to maintain the liberties of those compacted to it. It should keep private property in the hands of legal citizens. I should function within its boundaries.

Yet, we see a completely different resultant in function and outcomes. Yes, the Anti-federalist argued that there would be national encroachments upon the States and therefore upon the individual Citizen of the States, right into your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and even bathroom.

These functions and outcomes is what I am addressing. I am taking a new position that differentiates between human culture and a governing political2 state. To which this study crushed my presupposition of the Constitution having a Biblical Christian foundation.

What Is Said Is Not Meant By the Sayer
Ponder this quote as we then consider A question of Sovereignty.
As has been noted, many men use words which to others imply a religious view not held by the speaker or writer without an awareness either of the divergence of meaning or the mixed presuppositions. Witness, for example, Rev. John Witherspoon (1722–1794), Presbyterian leader who in 1768 assumed the presidency of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University). Witherspoon taught many who later played an active role in American life. His own belief in sound money, mixed government and a division of powers was pronounced. An orthodox Calvinist, Witherspoon, without any sense of contradiction, also followed the philosophy of Thomas Reid34 (1710–1796), Scottish realism, using this questionable tool against Hume, Deism and French philosophers. In his Lectures on Moral Philosophy, he spoke the language of rights and reason, combining with this man-centered emphasis his own theocentric faith.
R. J. Rushdoony (1964)

In my crushed presuppositions, I delve into the study of a question I often ask on the program: Who is the Sovereign? With that I will always point out that all and every form of government and governance is religious and theological. Which asks the next question: Which religion and theology?

A Question of Sovereignty
As I often do, I have to begin with a question of sovereignty. Here, Sam Adams writes to Richard Henry Lee, I hope to direct you to more of this correspondence as time permits but you may have to look at Lee’s writing linked in the References.

Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/44T4nmI

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