Solidarity concert for lawyer Doctor Reiner Fuellmich

8 months ago

Unjust state FRG: Arbitrariness and torture in the penal system - Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich in solitary confinement
May 16, 2024 Further judicial scandals have been reported in connection with the trial against Göttingen lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. The detained lawyer was placed in solitary confinement for several days at the beginning of May. A courageous lawyer has filed a criminal complaint.
As the lawyer Katja Wörmer explained in a video statement on Tuesday, the lawyer Reiner Fuellmich was not returned to his previous prison cell after the last court hearing as usual, but was instead placed in solitary confinement. Fuellmich was abducted from Mexico under a pretext over six months ago and has been in custody in Rosdorf prison near Göttingen ever since (RT DE reported on several occasions).
Wörmer, who is representing her Göttingen colleague Reiner Fuellmich together with defence lawyer Dr. Christoph W. Miseré, describes in the eleven-minute video how the incidents that her client had to experience took place at the beginning of May 2024.
Fuellmich, who himself had made a statement about the incidents in the prison in an audio message on May 10, was taken to the reception center, where prisoners on remand are kept under particularly close observation after their first arrival in the prison. His actual prison cell was searched with search dogs for cell phones, small portable computers or dictation machines. Even electronic search devices were used for this purpose. Even the cell door was removed to search for any recording devices hidden in the door frame. Even the bed was completely dismantled.
Total contact ban
At the same time, Fuellmich was placed under a total contact ban, which meant that he was not allowed to have any contact with his fellow inmates in the other wards and was not even allowed to contact his lawyers or wife. All of his belongings had been moved from his previous cell to the cell in the reception center. The special feature of this cell is that you cannot see what is happening outside the prison because it faces the inner courtyard, despite having windows. Therefore, nothing could be heard from outside. Fuellmich was also kept away from the few other prisoners in the reception ward.
The prisoners in the other wards were kept in the dark about Fuellmich's whereabouts. Although he had repeatedly asked to be able to contact his lawyer and wife, he was "completely denied" this. The prison staff had also denied their client's request to contact his lawyer and/or wife in his place. It was not until the following Monday morning that another member of staff suggested that Fuellmich write a letter to the lawyer and provided him with a stamp to do so. However, this employee was unable to ensure that the client was allowed to make a phone call.
Solidarity rally for 66th birthday
As her client had learned, a report on him was compiled on a weekly basis. The following Monday, Fuellmich was able to obtain a meeting with the head of department responsible for him. The officer had "puzzled around" and then finally admitted that the solitary confinement was intended to "keep him away from the event for his birthday". They basically wanted to prevent contact being made with Fuellmich from outside, i.e. from the rally in front of the prison.
Fuellmich was only allowed to go on the weekend rounds alone. When another prisoner tried to make contact with Fuellmich during this time, the prison staff intervened immediately. All contact with Fuellmich - even through open windows - was forbidden. All windows of those prison cells facing the outside were forcibly closed during the birthday and solidarity rally for Fuellmich. All prisoners were instructed by announcement to refrain from making any contact with the rally outside the prison. In the event of non-compliance, all prisoners were threatened with so-called "general confinement" or further disciplinary measures. However, it is possible that someone from the fitness room, which also has a window facing the outside, may have shouted "Freedom" once, but it is not known for sure.
The prisoners in the other wards threatened to go on hunger strike on Monday if they did not receive any information about Reiner Fuellmich's whereabouts and health. This did not happen because the measures were lifted on Monday morning and Fuellmich was transferred back to his previous ward and allowed to make contact with other prisoners.
The prison management had not provided any information on the background to these coercive measures until the beginning of this week, which is why Fuellmich had once again requested a meeting in order to receive an explanation for the procedure from the prison management. However, this has not yet happened.
Constructed dangers
It is obvious that Reiner Fuellmich was to be prevented from noticing the solidarity rally held in front of the prison on his 66th birthday and possibly even being able to make contact with the participants.
Lawyer Wörmer suspects that the management of the prison had "seen a certain level of security", a "level of danger that can actually only be explained by the risk of blacking out", "but less by the risk of escape". Pre-trial detention had only been ordered for her client because of the risk of absconding. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that Fuellmich should neither learn about the event outside the prison nor make contact with the participants. This was the aim and purpose of the "targeted isolation and separation" of her client.
In view of these circumstances and events, it is highly questionable whether there was actually an anonymous criminal complaint relating to "allegedly prohibited voice recordings".
Solitary confinement is torture
This is contradicted by a written authorization from the court, which had expressly declared such recordings to be permissible. Lawyer Wörmer suspects that the actual reason for the prison measures being lifted was a phone call she made to the prison on Monday morning, announcing that she would be there in the afternoon. She therefore suspects that the prison management wanted to restore normal conditions as quickly as possible. However, this is still speculation at the moment. A statement from Rosdorf Prison on the incident is still awaited.
In the lawyer's view, it is justified to describe the measures against Reiner Fuellmich as solitary confinement. In contrast to solitary confinement, in which a prisoner is only "kept" separately from other prisoners, solitary confinement means that any contact with the outside world is prevented beyond isolation in prison. This is the case with Reiner Fuellmich. The "particularly reprehensible thing about the whole situation" was that Fuellmich was not allowed to speak to his lawyers, his wife or anyone else for over three days. Only after three days was he offered "that he could write a letter". According to Wörmer, this clearly "fulfilled the requirements of solitary confinement". Although the term has "very negative connotations", the process had to be described as such. The conditions of detention therefore "no longer met the requirements of the rule of law under any circumstances".
Criminal complaint against the prison management
On May 13, former lawyer Gabriele Curschmann-Käsinger filed criminal charges against the management of Rosdorf Prison, her deputies and all employees of the prison who dealt with Reiner Fuellmich or were responsible for him in the period from May 3 to 5, 2024. The coercive measures were not only inadmissible under employment law. "Various criminal offenses had been committed", such as bodily harm, deprivation of liberty, obstruction of justice and, last but not least, a violation of the prohibition of torture under the UN Convention against Torture at Reiner Fuellmich's expense. The other inmates had been coerced. The anonymous complaint against Fuellmich constitutes the criminal offense of false accusation. Two days ago, Fuellmich's lawyer announced in another video statement that her client was to have blood taken by force or X-rays taken of his lungs. The pretext for these coercive medical measures was the tuberculosis infection of another prisoner who had been released from the prison over six months ago. At the time, blood was taken from the other prisoners, but not from Fuellmich because the main trial against him was taking place at Göttingen district court at the time.
When asked at the time, Fuellmich refused to have his blood taken. Now Fuellmich was put under pressure to agree to the medical measures. However, he felt healthy and had no complaints. At least Fuellmich was allowed to contact his lawyer. According to Wörmer, if Fuellmich resists the procedure, he can expect to be placed in solitary confinement again due to the possible risk of infection. The coercive measures were reminiscent of the state coronavirus measures, when "asymptomatic illnesses were invented" and healthy people who had no symptoms at all were obliged to undergo tests.
As an alternative to taking blood, the lawyer suggests a simple, non-invasive examination such as listening with a stethoscope. If her client were to have blood taken by force, this would constitute bodily harm in legal terms. Wörmer asked the prison to obtain a court order in case of doubt. The prison had not yet responded to this.
Today, lawyer Gabriele Curschmann-Käsinger announced that no lawyer from "Anwälte für Aufklärung" (AfA) has yet joined her criminal complaint against Rosdorf Prison. This association of lawyers is critical of the government's coronavirus measures. As far as she knows, this lawyers' association has not yet officially commented on the Fuellmich case against the prison. However, a lawyer for AfA had written to her that he considered "this criminal complaint" to be "actionism". No criminal regulations had been violated, everything was "just a soap opera". The lawyer, who was not named, had written to her that lawyer Fuellmich was "constantly producing stories" just "to draw attention to himself". According to Curschmann-Käsinger, the inactivity of the "lawyers for clarification" in this matter was a "failure across the board".
BECOMING LED ZEPPELIN: Official Venice Teaser Clip
clip from the Venice documentary, "'BECOMING LED ZEPPELIN." Credits 2021 Paradise Pictures Ltd
This is a clip for press use (EPK) from Paradise Pictures Ltd, given out by the Venice International Film Festival from their press site for press use; for any inquiries, you can reach us at

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