Lessons in Liberty Plumbing. Wonky Wonka Water Leakage Test on Thursday, 05/16/2024, at 22:36 EDT.

8 months ago

Lessons in Liberty Plumbing. Wonky Wonka Water Leakage Test on Thursday, 05/16/2024, at 22:36 EDT.

1. Correction! Battery terminal cleaning brushes.

2. SharkBite fittings’ effects on pipes. 

3. Trial and error at its finest. 

3A. Hard work will eventually pay off. 

3B. Hairbrained plumbing prowess.

4. QuickFitting.

5. Soldering.

6. Black iron pipe.

7. Thomas Edison.

7A. Quotes. 

7B. Milan, Ohio.

8. The pros and the cons of artificial light and electromagnetic radiation.

9. Correction: PEX insert, or PEX stiffener — not PEX expander. 

10. Rebuilding Humpty Dumpty.

11. Potential new nickname? 

12. Foiled again, for now.

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