Max Igan - White Replacement is No Longer a Theory

9 months ago

Max Igan - White Replacement is No Longer a Theory

4th May 2024

The Great Red Dragon Or The London Money Power [1889]

The Truth About The Talmud By Michael A. Hoffman II

The Ultimate World Order: As Pictured in the Jewish Utopia

"The apparent crimes listed above were carried out according to various precepts in the Talmud, which fairly brims with exhortations to rid the world of non-jews, idolaters, and such like. The solution to this vermin problem is summed up in Zohar (I,25a): "Let them be wiped off the face of the earth!" And as we all know, there is 'nothing superior to the holy Talmud,' (Johannes Buxtorf, Rescentsi Operes Talmud, p.225) Meaning genocide can be kosher sometimes, because Talmudic law, like Israeli law, takes precedence over mere international treaties" Land of The Zog by Gary Smith

Zohar 1,25b




"The" Jewish Utopia
Professor Rabbi Michael Higger PhD 1932

For those non-whites who are cheering you are part of the nazi new world order agenda, but guess what... one day not far away you too will be "surplus to requirement".... don't believe me? Search for the leaked video from the 1994 World Population Summit in Cairo,; you will find it on my channel. Only the dumbest of the dumb will assist in systematic genocide as they are killing those who were on their side. When you cut down the size of your army then you make yourself vulnerable, the elite call them "useful idiots".

Time to wake up, slavery also affected whites! The first slaves to America were white Irish, and the white slave trade was huge but the "indoctrination system" that masquerades as an education system, supported by the mockingbird media will never tell you the truth. The real slave masters were the Khazarian Jews, they were also the Bolsheviks, and the Nazis (Ashkenazim)

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