Clumsy Elephant Makes Unsuccessful Attempt To Get Out Of Water

6 years ago

During a safari in Kruger National Park, South Africa, these tourist came across a herd of elephants enjoying a late afternoon swim in a river. Elephants are great swimmers and they are very comfortable in deep water areas such as rivers and lakes. Getting out of a river is also normally not a problem, especially for the adults. Climbing up the slippery and muddy river bank is usually easily achieved with the help from their long legs and overall body strength. It is common at times for baby elephants to really struggle up a slippery river bank as their legs are still very short while lacking overall body strength. There are times though when even the adults do find a river bank too slippery and unexpectedly fail to get out the water.

The video shows a male adult elephant making an attempt to get out of the river after his long cool down session in the water. The big bull leans forward and rests on his front knees at the top of the river bank. While attempting to pull himself up the bank with his front knees, the elephant simultaneously attempts to push himself up the bank with his hind feet and legs. His back feet does not get a proper grip and just slips up and down. He suddenly realizes that he is not going to get out in this manner. To everyone's amusement, the large elephant falls back onto his bum and slides down the bank back into the water.

Once back in the water the bull elephant did not look like he was interested in a second attempt getting out. Instead he falls over back into the water with one huge splash. This elephant was clearly not done with his afternoon swim and was in no hurry to get out of the river any time soon!

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