Mushroom Rice Recipe | Easy Vegetarian and Vegan Meals | Rice Recipe..

4 months ago

Mushroom Rice Recipe | Easy
Vegetarian and Vegan Meals | Rice Recipe
servings approx.)
1 cup / 200g White Basmati Rice (thoroughly
washed & then soaked in water for 30 minutes
and then strained)
3 Tablespoon Cooking Oil
200g / 2 cups (loosely packed)- Thinly SLICED
2+1/2 Tablespoon / 30g Garlic - finely chopped
1/4 to 1/2 Teaspoon Chili flakes or to taste
150g / 1 Cup Green Bell Pepper - Cut in 3/4 X 3/4
inch cubes
225g / 3 Cups White Button Mushrooms - sliced
Salt to taste (I have added total 1+1/4 Teaspoon
of pink Himalayan Salt)
1+1/2 cup / 350ml Vegetable Broth (LOW
1 Cup / 75g Green Onion-chopped
Lemon Juice to taste (| have added 1 tablespoon
lemon juice)
1/2 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper or to taste
Thoroughly wash the rice a few times until the
water runs clear. This will get rid of any
impurities/gunk and will give a much better/
clean taste. Then soak the rice in water for 25 to
30 minutes. Then drain the water from the rice
and leave it to sit in the strainer to drain any
excess water, until ready to use.
Heat a wide pan. Add cooking oil, sliced onions,
1/4 teaspoon of salt and fry on medium heat for
5 to 6 minutes or until lightly golden in colour.
Adding salt to the onion will release it's moisture
and help it cook faster, so please don't skip it.
Add the chopped garlic, chili flakes and fry on
medium to medium-low heat for about 1 to 2
minutes. Now add the chopped green bell pepper
and mushrooms. Fry the mushrooms and pepper
on medium heat for about 2 to 3 minutes. You
will notice the mushroom starts to caramelize.
Then add salt to taste and fry for another 30
seconds. Add the soaked and strained basmati
rice, vegetable broth and bring the water to a
vigorous boil. Once the water starts to boil, then
cover the lid and reduce the heat to low. Cook on
low heat for about 10 to 12 minutes or until the
rice is cooked.
Once the rice is cooked, uncover the pan. Cook
uncovered for just a few seconds to get rid of
any excess moisture. Turn off the heat. Add the
chopped green onions, lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon
freshly ground black pepper and mix it VERY
GENTLY to prevent the the rice grains from
allow it to rest for 2 to 3 minutes for the flavours
to blend.
Serve hot with your favourite side of protein.This
makes 3 SERVINGS.

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