History of MK ULTRA - CIA Mind Control Experiments

9 months ago

The CIA has a dark history of using unwilling human research subjects to test psychological breaking points. MKUltra was the final evolution of Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke that took place from 1953-1973 across the United States and Canada. This video covers the formation of the project, testing techniques, and people of interest including Frank Olson and Ken Kesey.
Formation of MKUltra 0:00-4:07
Cryptonyms 4:08-5:42
The Monkey Puzzle 5:43-7:48
Frank Olson and Ken Kesey 7:49-11:15
Operation Midnight Climax 11:16-12:38
End of MKUltra 12:39-15:39
Aftermath 15:40-18:17

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