Discord 1000 friends in 2024! My maxed out account.

9 months ago

Discord has a limit of 1000 since 2018 or earlier (likely since it's inception). I've had about 1000 friends since 2020, meaning I am unable to add anymore unless I unfriend people. Since I don't unfriend people, it means other people have to unfriend me. Normally I loose about 2 friends per month, which I presume some of them are due to banned discord accounts.
So normally when I drop down to 999 or 998 friends (every few weeks), I then send out more friend requests until people accept and it's back at 1000, and I'm unable to send any more out. I've been doing this for years. Normally about 140-200 of my friends are online (but there are people on invisible mode, plus this includes idling people).
I've talked to hundreds of people on Discord, but not to all my friends. A big chunk of my friends are from Hay Day, Battlelands and other Supercell games. I have a few friends who I share 40-44 mutual friends with, which isn't many, however, most people don't have 1000 friends, so it's actually quite a lot.

I also researched people who had 1000 friends on discord, and checked to see if we had any overlapping mutual friends, incredibly we didn't have a single one.

Right after doing this video, when I woke up the next day, I'd dropped from 1000 friends to 993 friends, which was the biggest drop I'd ever had, as normally only 1-2 trail off over the weeks. My computer had restarted in the night, but the friends would be server side. I'd never dropped 7 friends overnight, so either 7 people within about 8 hours had unfriended me, or Discord had just banned some accounts (my pending incoming friend requests had dropped from 402, to about 390 too).
Due to having 7x free spots, I then send out lots of friend requests (which I've been doing for years).
Then suddenly a message came up on my screen saying my Discord had been suspended! I couldn't believe it. For violating their TOS! I got no warning, and my discord account which I created in 2017 has had good standing year after year after year. Not a single violation in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 until today, then boom, my account suspended without warning for breaking TOS. I was shocked. Either a false positive, or it's now against Discord TOS to send out multiple friend requests. As of now my account remains suspended, and I'm unable to send messages, only view them. It is a 24 hour suspension that comes off on 18 May 2024. I think this is extremely poor by Discord.

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