ENG-Anon "The Impious Piper" IN CZECH

10 months ago

Krysař (Czech) (scroll down for English + more info)

Měl šedej plášť, kočičí krok, smutnou tvář,
za pasem nůž a vedle něj kříž a snář.
Ten piják hvězd na stovkách cest polykal prach.

Tisíce mil, krysař to byl a já ho znal,
píšťalku měl, šel kudy chtěl dál a dál,
tisíce mil, krysař to byl a šel z něj strach.

Šel a kam stoup vyrost jak sloup k nebi dým,
na tisíc mil, krysař to byl, já to vím!
Šedivej plášť, kočičí krok, podivnej hráč.

Píšťalku měl, šel kudy chtěl dál a dál
a každej tón, každičkej tón kterej hrál
znamenal smrt, znamenal žal, znamenal pláč.

Hrál slovo "my" a "naše vlast", "mír" a "čest"
a myslel "Vy" a "Vaše krev", "válka", "pěst",
co musel znát, co uměl hrát svůdnejch not.

Co divnejch slov, co divnejch slok dlouze hrál
a z každý z nich hořící vích horce řval:
"nastoupit v řad, na rámě zbraň, pochodem v chod"!

Teď je tu zas !! Kočičí krok, smutná tvář !!
Za pasem nůž a vedle něj kříž a snář,
slyším ho hrát, je to ten tón tenčí než vlas.

To v kostech měst začíná kvést bílej prach,
píšťalka zní a všichni z ní máme strach,
že přijde čas, kdy se ten hlas ozve i v nás.

Vím, chodí dál tak jako dřív prachem cest,
já jsem ho znal, krysař to byl, piják hvězd !!
Píšťalku má, křížek a snář, šedivej šat.

A mně se zdá a mně se zdá, že už je čas
říct mu: "už dost", říct mu: "už dost, vem Tě Ďas"!
"To je náš svět a krysí jed nechcem už brát"!

The (Rat Catcher Who was Himself a Rat, or) "Krysař" (English, translated by ENG-Anon)

He had a gray cloak, a cat's pace, a sad face,
behind his waist a knife beside the Cross and The Dreamer.
That drinker of stars gulped dust along hundreds of paths.

Thousands of miles, he was Krysař and I knew him
With flute in hand, he went where he pleased on and on,
thousands of miles, he was Krysař, and he was scared.

Wherever he set foot the smoke rose like a pillar to the sky,
by a thousand miles, he was Krysař, I know it!
Gray cloak, cat pace, weird actor.

With that flute in hand, he went where he pleased on and on,
and every note, every note he played....
He meant death, meant grief, meant tears.

He played the words "we" and "our motherland", "peace" and "honor"
and he meant "You" and "Your blood", "war", "fist",
what he must have known, what he could play seductive notes!!

What strange words, what strange stanzas he played for so long
and from each of them a flaming whirlwind roared vehemently:
"join the ranks, weapon at ready, march to the march"!

Now it's here again!! Cat pace, and sad face !!
A knife at his waist, and beside the cross and Dreamer,
I can hear him play, it's that note thinner than a hair.

White dust begins to bloom in the bones of the cities,
the flute blows and we're all afraid of it
that the time will come when that voice will be heard in us too.

I know, he goes on as before through the dusty roads,
I knew him, he was Krysař, a drinker of stars!!
He has a flute, a cross and Dreamer, a gray robe.

And it seems to me and it seems to me that it is time
tell him: "enough is enough", tell him: "enough is enough, take you away"!
"This is our world and I don't want to take rat poison anymore"!


My friends, we fought for years and long lineage against this same foe,
With today's special help, legions of friends and loved ones have finally laid him Low!
For one day - soon enough - our Victory will be at hand,
We have fought beneath seas, in outer space and deep beneath land.
Breadwinners of the world: spared conscription to arms and not fight,
Food and fuel prices, worries and isolation formed the extent of their plight.
We are being called forward soon, and we are preparing our stand,
Taking up our courage once again, see how good it feels grasped in the hand!
Bring forth Angels and Lord of Hosts, they will watch it from the skies,
We press into service old wooden gallows, and jolt tight our goodbyes!
All dark legions of bad and evil agents were almost - but not quite! - our demise!
Take ownership now! Stand tall and demand freedom.... no more compromise!

We are the Freedom Fighters
What we do today echoes in Eternity

Many generations human lineage in Czech Lands, dating back to Hussites
900+ lives Starseed
Chose Earth for this life; first Earth life in many, many lives since Atlantean times
Arise, people of the Earth
We are a responsible species. Let us stand with dignity and power. This liberation is OURS! This planet is OURS! We must take it - IT IS OURS!

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