Andrew Wilson evangelizing against Protestant's on the Crucible, with Lauren Chen.

9 months ago

Andrew Wilson recently had a monologue with Lauren Chen, He was not very nice to sisters who have recently given their life to Christ, and he seems to be using inscrupulas means to strong arm people into the Orthodox church.

If he hadn't come against repentant Only Fans Christians or come against Protestantism like he did, I would have left will enough alone. but such is life. So here is chapter 1, Andrew Wilson is a poopy head.

After I run out of steam I will continue the shadow work series. Lord willing, but hey, maybe He calls us home this year! wouldn't THAT be cool! or maybe I die and I beat you there, hahaha sucka's I'm out of here! is what I wouldn't say, cause that is probably not something I should say around a time like that. any whos. love ya ba bye

#andrewwilson #laurenchen #thecrucible #protestantisme

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