9 months ago

Remember when Canada’s Truck Drivers protested?

What did the Canadian Gov do?

They used Facial Recognition to find out who they were and they shut down their bank accounts so they could not purchase diesel fuel, food or supplies.

Was this a test run for CBDC when they can do this with a push of a button?

What they are planning is just evil. They plan on having this control with every person in the world.

With Central Bank Digital Currency you will have to pay everything with a card and there will be no more cash or coins. That means even if you hire a babysitter you have to pay this way. All tips at restaurants paid with your digital wallet card.

All transactions will go through ONE Centralized Government Bank.

Guess what?

They will have full control of your account. There will not be a banker to talk to, it will be the Federal Government and if the Feds do not like what you are doing like how you are spending your money, what videos you are sharing online, how much you have been traveling, how much meat you are buying, then they can punish you by programming your digital wallet card so that you will be forced to do what they want, forced to buy what they want you to and all other transactions will come up as “This Transaction is Not Approved.”

The secret idea behind CBDC is that you will need the Governments Permission to spend your money and you can be punished for your social behaviors and what you are buying.

Also, if they want to “Redistribute Wealth” – you may be a target as you have too much money and too many derogatory marks on your credit so you are the lucky one who gets to help redistribute the money to the people that are follow the governments “community standards.”

They do not want people SAVING money. Savings are met to protect you and the government will try to prevent you from this.

Having money means you are free. Not having money means they got you.

They will be able to force you to spend your money as the more you have you will actually be paying interest to the bank, just for having more than what the government believes you should have.

CBDC’s are ALL about Enslaving Humanity.

Biden has an Executive Order to “Investigate Digital Currencies.”

Look, that is just smoke and mirrors – they decided they are going with this decades ago. It is just how they will “sell” this to the people.

They also can punish your digital wallet if refuse to abide by the World Medical Standards which will include regular vaccination to “protect” ourselves and others.

This is a Global deal as we really have a One World Government. The Covid Plandemic should have woken everybody up to this.

One of the selling points they will use is the transactions will be fast and another is they may offer Universal Monthly Income, which may sound terrific to some, but it’s a trap and the reigns will be further tightened shortly after.

The representatives who we “elect” need to hear from us because they likely don’t know what’s going on, they are just enjoying the perks of being in their position and just thinking about following orders and staying in office.

We the people have forgotten that they work for us, not for the government – they are our employees.

SOURCE: Americans United Against The New World Order -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/x9TZVfkN2u6z/


PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day.

Hope & Tivon’s EMF Protection Products: https://www.ftwproject.com/ref/528/

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TRUE LEAF MARKET → Spring is here! Time to get your seeds and supplies.

True Leaf Market – provides the best seed selection I have found, non-GMO and I personally grow tomatoes, microgreens, cucumbers, peppers, spinach arugula, cilantro, parsley and will try a few different varieties this spring as they have plenty, buy bulk or buy small, their prices are good.

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Follow me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/WakeUpWorld

Thank You!!

END. 5/25/2024 – 3:00 PM

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