Schaftlein Report | Guests - Joe Visconti and Tom Amenta.

9 months ago

Guests - Joe Visconti and Tom Amenta

Headline - Biden Betrays Israel and American Workers as Inflation remains High

1) Netanyahu - Israel can stand alone as they enter Rafa

1A) Terrorists killed, more tunnels discovered and booby trapped buildings with weapons stored in Rafa discovered and leveled

1B) Biden should be Impeached - Congress passed Israeli aid, Biden signed it now he reneges.

1C) The disgusting scenes at college campuses of imbeciles not even knowing what they are protesting. Camps cleared at MIT and Penn, numerous arrests

2) Biden tells workers how good the economy is - They are NOT feeling it. Axelrod- "Biden's pride will be his undoing on the election talk over the economy"

Voters do not like being told they are wrong in how they feel.

2A) Consumer confidence survey fell from 76 to 67. Big drop.

3) Trump trial

4) Johnson Speakership

5) Border Asylum - Too cute by half. Border crossing continue with no end in sight

6) Biden approval still at 39%, wrong track +41. These numbers hardly ever change

7) Trump still up in swing states - Mich., PA., and Wisc are close

8) Appeals court rules against Hunter Biden ion gun case

9) Steve Bannon loses case before 3 judge Appeals court in DC. Faces 4 months in prison. Navaro in jail still serving his time.

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