What Does Living in Sacred Honor Look Like?

9 months ago

Sacred honor is a term that may seem antiquated to some, yet its relevance in today's society is undeniable. As articulated by Lisa, Sacred honor embodies acting with morality, kindness, and compassion—treating our fellow men and woman with the dignity they deserve. It goes beyond mere ethical behavior; it requires leaving every situation you encounter better than how you found it.

One of the fundamental aspects discussed was the formation of trust relations. According to AMG's co-founder, Robert William, trust is the bedrock upon which equity stands. Without trust, the notion of equity becomes meaningless. Trust relations, though, need to be nurtured diligently. Through open and honest communication, communities can thrive and build a strong foundation of mutual respect and equity.

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1. Our CommUNITY builds trust relations.
2. Vigilance is a value of equitable substance.
3. Sacred Trust is to be protected.

00:00 Honor means treating others as stewards honorably.
04:08 Acting with morality, kindness, and compassion in life.
10:13 Ethical behavior depends on societal values.
13:24 Deep personal questions lead to meaningful interactions.
15:43 Attract motivated people, ask tough questions, evolve.
17:53 Friendship blossomed, love and appreciation shared.
21:51 Encouraging trust, growth, and belonging in community.

The information contained herein is not intended to be a source of legal advice. You should not rely on the statements or representations made by the hosts or guests. The purpose of this podcast is to give guidance and to educate those in the community on how to be self-reliant members of the constitutional Republic of the United States of America and as such it is strongly recommended that you do your own research. Invitation2Freedom does not assume any responsibility for the actions or non-actions taken by any of the hosts, guests or listeners, and no one shall be entitled to a claim for detrimental reliance on any information provided or expressed herein. We reserve our right to assemble, and we do so peacefully and without trespass.

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