Mike Tyson: The Commie Fighter

10 months ago

Did you know #MikeTyson is a commie?! Praises Mao Zedong & Che Guevara, even has them as Tattoos on his body, Fight will be on Saturday, July 20, 2024 who do you pick to win?!
We know this event is just to make $$$ and making a real sport which is boxing a joke out of it. 🥊 Mao was also a p3do, responsible for millions of deaths, Damn Mike really going to support Communists like that. People, its worse than Having Nazis tats. Nazis are gone, the communists still exist til this day in power killing people!

If havent watch yet, watch how Commie slayers like Felix Rodriguez help take out Mikes hero Che Guevara. 👇

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