Naughty Skunk Loves Rummaging In The Garbage

6 years ago

Animals are incredibly funny creatures. From hamsters to rabbits and pandas they never cease to amaze us. Especially little ones. And why do we find animals cute? The reason why we love cute things is because they flood our brains with feel-good chemicals. If you’re having a bad day, just do an internet search for a baby llama and you’ll feel better in no time. Interestingly, many people will look at that llama and think it’s just so incredibly adorable they could smoosh it up.

When we run across an animal that we don’t see very often and when that animal messes with human things, then it become hilarious. The skunk in this video loves going through this home's garbage for scraps. He is so cute except when he aims his butt at you. Actually he is aiming the butt at the camera constantly as the only thing we can see from his body is his fluffy tail. The skunk is so into the garbage, rummaging happily as if it is the only thing that is left doing in his tiny micro cosmos. The bits and pieces from the bin are everywhere. He has made such a mess that it would take quite a lot of time cleaning after him. The skunk lets himself have a little fun and for the sake of it, everything is permitted. At least the owners don’t seem to mind him watching the skunk getting naughty in the garbage. We don’t either because he is such an interesting show to watch.

Occasional skunk sightings in a neighborhood are not a cause for alarm. Because skunks are generally easy-going, they will not intentionally bother people. In fact, skunks may benefit humans by eating many insects and rodents many regard as pests.

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