Geert Vanden Bossche

4 months ago

THE HIDDEN CRIME: Expert Vaccine Virologist who worked for Bill Gates, GAVI and the WHO says if the world knew what these people did they would be stoned in the streets. Their only hope is that something will happen to distract the world from this crime, but that will not happen.

He confirms that those who took the Covid Vaccine have deregulated immune systems and will experience a great loss of life by the end of June due to not being able to fight off the next infection.

He goes on to say that when the new virus comes and it will come, there is no immune resistance whatsoever left in the vaccinated population, but there is immune defense left in the unvaccinated population because their innate immunity has been trained.

He says that this new virus that is coming that was created by previous mass vaccination will look very different from SARS-COV-2, it will still be a Coronavirus but it will look very differently and they will try and say that this is a new virus that we warned you about (Disease X), but it is not, it is the same virus that has mutated because of mass vaccination.

Will H5N1 Bird Flu be the coverup for the predicted mass loss of life in the vaccinated?

He predicts that the Government and Health Officials will mandate Ivermectin and other antiviral drugs to reduce the mass loss of life. Ivermectin and other antiviral drugs must be taken before the vaccinated get sick, because once the vaccinated start showing symptoms of illness, it will be too late, he says. He predicts once symptoms start appearing in the vaccinated they will pass away quickly within 24 hours.

He goes on to say that the truth will surface because this is too big of a crime to hide. He states that those who have committed these crimes have been lying to the people and have not been taking care of the people's health and safety will be severely punished.

He was asked, why does the CDC and others continue to lie about the vaccines? He says, because If the world knew what these people did they would be stoned in the streets. Their only hope is that something will happen to distract the world from this crime, but that will not happen. The world will know the truth.

He predicts that we will have to build a completely new world because the hospitals will collapse and chaos will follow around the world. He says "it will happen."

Regardless if this happens or not and let's hope it does not happen, the truth is, this has been a large scale experimental gain of function on the human population and they all must be brought to justice and severely punished.

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