Water Can't Be Free - Water Not a Right

10 months ago

Water Can't Be Free - Water Not a Right

July 28, 2019


Nestle Chairman: Water Not a Right, Should Be Given a 'Market Value’ and Privatized

This was a stunning interview, in the 2005 documentary We Feed the World, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, now former chairman and CEO of the Nestle Group, and former chairman of Formula One. He says, water is not a human right... He also says, organic food aren't good.

They didn't get around to asking him about slave labor being used to confiscate cocoa beans and other resources in Africa and other areas around the world for Nestle products.

He was the Chairman of one of the biggest corporations and the largest food product manufacturer in the world, believes corporations should own all the water on the planet, and no one should be allowed to have access to it unless they pay.

He also states that GMOs have never caused illnesses despite hundreds of independent studies showing otherwise. So, is water a free and basic human right, or should all the water on the planet belong to major corporations and the elite?

Should the poor who cannot afford to pay these said corporations suffer from starvation due to their lack of financial wealth?

In the second part of the video, in 2012, Peter Brabeck explains the role of the World Economic Forum on this issue.

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