How to identify a Jew a book

9 months ago

JEWISH PSYCHO-LOGY, aka. mind control sorcery techniques used by the jews:
1) scape-goating/ set-up-man/ framing/ frame-up/ transference /shifting blame/reverse projection/ tableturning/:
setting up another as the villain to avoid culpability for one's own deeds; attributing to the attributor
what he attributes to yourself
2) straw man: Constructing a false identity of another to have others destroy them thinking it is their
real identity; often comes in the form of smearing/ slandering the victim
3) victim pose/ possum play/ passive aggression/: portraying yourself as a victim or weak/inferior to
disarm opposition by deceiving them into thinking you are not a threat to their power; also used to
incur sympathy from others and turn them against threats to oneself (eg. one's own enemies);portraying
oneself as a victim/ injured
party to weaken opposition through feigning weakness often while subtlety/ guilefully injuring them
4) adhominem/ vilification/ mudslinging/ labeling/ defamation (slander=spoken /libel=
written):portrayal of an opponent in a negative light for the purpose of i) destroying or ii) exploiting
5) divide and conquer/ playing both ends against the middle/ triangulation: get enemies to fight against
each other to 'fall on their own swords'/ mutually destroy each other thereby subjugating opposition/
ingratiate oneself with one party and
turn them against the other,etc.
6) parasitism: exploitation of others without contribution in the manner of a parasite
7) passing off/ expropriation: representing another’s work as one's own for personal gain chameleon/
shape-shifting/ actor: adopting fluid behavior/ character that changes with circumstances for the
purpose of ingratiating oneself with the dupe
8) shaming/ demoralization: getting the opponent to turn inward and believe there is something wrong
with them/ their (past) actions as a means of getting them to make concessions to you (eg. the sins of
the fathers)
9) mockery: discrediting opposition through derision
10) pied piper/ mountebankery/ rabble rousing: representation of self as benevolent leader of
'victims'(workers/ non-whites/ women/ freaks, etc.); to use ‘victims’to strike against opposition (see '
cats paw')
11) middle man: role played between parties allegedly for their (mutual) benefit to derive personal
12) poison the well: creating problems in an environment (society, workplace, etc.) for personal
advantage typically though slyness/ deceit
13) false front/ false humility: the creation of a false identity character for purposes of ingratiation with
intended victims/ lowering the opponents’ defence or subjugating offense
14) bold-faced lying: "its' not a lie if you believe it"-George Castanza/ talmud
15) Semantic twisting: pharasiacal interpretation of words or deliberate misuse/ wrenching from
context to distort the meaning of words
16) interrogation:use of cross-questioning/ (socratic) dialectical techniques to establish the position of
the Other/ascertain their opinion/ belief/ establish liability (all government agents are taught this)
17) gradualism/ leaven of the pharisees: introducing (near) imperceptible change that creates desired
circumstances the opponent would not allow given an awareness of the end result. (surreptitious
slippery slope)
18) preemption/ preemptive strike: anticipation of the opponents' move and countering it through
making the first move or
19) gaslighting: distortion of the perception of the opponent through convincing them to believe that
their perceived reality is incorrect and they must change to the desired state thereby -which is itself
forever changing/ portrayed as inadequate-leading to their subjugation ( a form of demoralization)
20) blinds/cats paws/dupes/patsies: these are gullible/ unwitting 'useful idiots' who perform a role in
your agenda and who have blame transferred to them if necessary (often plays a scapegoat function)
21) provoke/instigate/antagonize: to deliberately rile up opponent to elicit a reaction that portrays them
in a negative light/yourself in a favorable one
22) emotionalize: introducing emotive content into relations with others(eg.discussion/debate) to create
certain emotional reactions in the audience or interlocutors.To make an emotional issue arise where
none existed before. Done through tone of voice; use of trigger/buzz words;actions/gestures,etc.
24) Nudge:i) control the options ii) shotgun clause iii) restrictive choice: i)engineering circumstances to
enable oneself to control the outcome; ii)orchestrate/ represent circumstances such that the opponent
has choices only in
your favour (eg. lesser of two evils); iii) restrict their choices
25) blame the victim: similar to reverse projection but differs in harming an opponent while blaming
them for your actions/ implicating them as the cause of their own suffering.
26) dynamic silence:refusal to acknowledge the position/ statements of the Other as means of
subjugating Other
27) Normative Inversion: positing the inversion of an Others’ norms as the good to subjugate the Other
28) Double Talk/ speak/ Newspeak/ Ambiguity:use of irrelevant,meaning less or ambiguous language
to create confusion in the Other
29) Argumentative fallacies: see D.N Walton, “A Pragmatic Theory of Fallacy”


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