If you’re feeling numb

9 months ago

Friend, in times of hardship, or if we have gone through trauma, it is common to feel numb and disconnected with your emotions.

God knows and sees how hard it is for you to sift through the layers and figure out or even admit to yourself and God about how and what you’re feeling.

God isn’t asking you to pull yourself out of this numbness beloved in Christ.

God knows how to rescue you (2 Peter 2:9) from the attacks of the enemy.

Find a quiet place and time and allow yourself to sit and ask the Lord to reveal to you the cause of your numbness, and if you already know, ask the Lord to help you to walk through the appropriate emotions. If you have found that you need to repent for participating in any assignment of the enemy, repent and ask God for forgiveness, accept His forgiveness and FORGIVE yourself. Read Gods word and allow Him day by day to soften your heart towards Him, allow Him to hold and comfort you.

You are so safe with Him🫶🏻

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