Edwin Brant Frost V explains his vote for RNC National Committeewoman GA 04/27/24

9 months ago

Brant Frost V explains his vote for RNC National Committeewoman GA to the Georgia Republican Assembly during their Endorsement Convention held in Fayetteville, Georgia on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

Brant Frost V www.twitter.com/BrantFrostV

Georgia Republican Assembly www.twitter.com/GARepAssembly
National Federation of Republican Assemblies www.twitter.com/GOPWing

Watch complete, unfiltered, GRA Endorsement Convention here:

#Nydeo by Nydia Tisdale ~ Please $upport www.PayPal.me/NydiaTisdale
www.twitter.com/NydiaTisdale – www.facebook.com/AboutForsyth
#Nydeo Journalist, member The Atlanta Press Club

We welcome you to join us for the event! www.facebook.com/events/842628111015507
Anyone can attend https://secure.anedot.com/georgia-republican-assembly-1db0455f-ae13-4bd3-81f0-e16e1d49d70f/2024graendorse

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