I will not do anything unethical or immoral!

7 months ago

"They told me I was morally, legally, and ethically obligated to: “Do your job over your God" my entire life. That's not the way I was raised. I will not do anything unethical or immoral. I will disobey any law, anything that is illegal or unethical, Thomas Jefferson style, that's where I graduated.
If a law is illegal, or unconstitutional, you're not only supposed to not obey it, but you're supposed to openly defy it. It is Ephesians "Don't participate in things of the darkness." Don't go "shut up and be quiet." You scream it from the rooftops!"

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 06/19/2023
Please listen to this very detailed free history lesson on Truth News Network: https://bit.ly/TruthNewsNetworkDrJudy

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