Challenging NASA's Official Story - The Van Allen Radiation Belts

8 months ago

NASA QUOTE: 'We must solve these challenges before we send people through space!' NASA says it's dealing with the Van Allen Radiation Belts to send people into space - decades after sending men to the moon?

"How did NASA send Apollo to the Moon if they are working on the challenge of sending Orion through the Van Allen Radiation Belts?"

"The Van Allen Radiation Belts are zones of energetic charged particles, most of which originate from the solar wind, that are captured by and held around Earth by its magnetic field. These belts pose a significant challenge for space travel due to the high levels of radiation. However, NASA was able to overcome this challenge during the Apollo moon missions in the following ways:

Path Planning: The spacecraft were not flown on a direct path from the Earth to the Moon. Instead, a trajectory was chosen that would pass through the thinnest known parts of the Van Allen Belts. This minimized the time the astronauts spent in the belts, thus reducing their exposure to radiation.

Speed: The spacecraft traveled at high speeds, which further reduced the time of exposure to the radiation belts.

Spacecraft Shielding: The spacecraft used for the Apollo missions had shielding that was designed to protect the crew from radiation. However, the primary protection came from the short time spent passing through the belts.

Monitoring: The astronauts' health was closely monitored before, during, and after the missions to ensure they were not adversely affected by the radiation.

It's important to note that the Van Allen Belts are still a subject of ongoing research, and our understanding of them continues to evolve. Despite the challenges they pose, the successful Apollo missions demonstrated that it is possible to safely send humans through the Van Allen Belts to destinations beyond low Earth orbit."

"Why is NASA attempting to solve the issue of Orion passing through the Van Allen Radiation Belts if Apollo passed through them?"

"NASA's Orion mission is part of the Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon and eventually send them to Mars. The Van Allen Radiation Belts pose a significant challenge for this mission due to the high levels of radiation. While the Apollo missions successfully navigated through these belts, the Orion mission faces a few different challenges:

Duration and Frequency of Missions: The Orion missions are planned to be longer and more frequent than the Apollo missions. This increases the cumulative exposure to radiation for astronauts.

Advancements in Technology: Modern spacecraft and equipment are more sensitive to radiation. Electronic components have become smaller and more complex, making them more susceptible to damage from high-energy particles.

Human Safety: The safety standards for human spaceflight have become more stringent since the Apollo era. NASA is committed to ensuring the safety of its astronauts and is continually researching ways to mitigate the effects of radiation.

Long-Term Space Travel: The Artemis program aims to prepare for future crewed missions to Mars. Understanding and mitigating the effects of radiation in the Van Allen Belts is crucial for the success of long-term space travel.

Therefore, while NASA has previously navigated through the Van Allen Belts during the Apollo missions, the agency continues to study these belts and develop new strategies and technologies to ensure the safety and success of future missions."

Hallelujah Girl

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