Bigfoot, Orbs & an Ogre (?) Filmed in Germany! WBR Golden Classics/Bigfoot in Germany/Robert Boston

8 months ago

Robert Boston joins us to talk about a few of his many adventures in Bigfooting and cryptid hunting, and he tells us about getting zapped, being hit in the head by an Orb, and accidentally encountering what may have been an OGRE...!! Pics by Robert Boston, Researcher X, Michael Matt, Duke, BAMA BF, Cryptosweden, etc. SWAG/MERCH/GOODIES available at: THIS SHOW IS VIEWER FUNDED! TO JOIN the noble and exalted ranks of this shows co-producers, send aid to: To CONTACT DUKE, EMAIL AT: JOIN MY FB group, MONTANA BIGFOOT PROJECT or my MeWe group, WORLD BIGFOOT CENTRAL. SUB ME on BITCHUTE, RUMBLE AND ODYSEE! PLEASE share with friends and hit that THUMBS UP so others may find the show. THANKs and God Bless you!THIS SHOW IS VIEWER FUNDED! TO JOIN the noble and exalted ranks of this shows co-producers, send aid to: PAYPAL.ME/WORLDBIGFOOTCENTRAL. To CONTACT DUKE, EMAIL AT: JOIN MY FB group, MONTANA BIGFOOT PROJECT or my MeWe group, WORLD BIGFOOT CENTRAL. SUB ME on BITCHUTE, RUMBLE AND ODYSEE! PLEASE share with friends and hit that THUMBS UP so others may find the show. THANKs and God Bless you! THIS SHOW IS VIEWER FUNDED! TO JOIN the noble and exalted ranks of this shows co-producers, send aid to: To CONTACT DUKE, EMAIL AT: JOIN MY FB group, MONTANA BIGFOOT PROJECT or my MeWe group, WORLD BIGFOOT CENTRAL. SUB ME on BITCHUTE, RUMBLE AND ODYSEE! PLEASE share with friends and hit that THUMBS UP so others may find the show. THANKs and God Bless you!

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