Did Paul opposed science?

9 months ago

Did the apostle Paul opposed science as according to 1 Timothy 6:21?

The Lie could not be further from the Truth.

The letter carrier/ mailman/ apostle Paul did not opposed science rather, he opposed those who falsely opposed science. In other words, they were wrong according to the science he was espousing specifically the resurrection of the dead. He used analogy of the moon and the stars and the sun and their glory (their light)in contrast to the natural semblence (inner person) which glows when the sons of God light their lamps.

In retrospect and introspection, Paul glorifies good science and vilify evil or bad science.
The science of marriage? The science of stealing? The science of fornication? These were all proven over time and found to be everlasting! Who can deny that a man and woman being married is not good for any society, any culture, any nation, any people, any language, any ethnicity...etc? That science is proven that is natural and should be establish across generation.

Is not science at its basic core and definition is to test a theory or a hypothesis or a theology and prove that it is good and true?

Well, even John according to the inscription of the letters of New testament wrote the saints then should test every spirit which comes to them if it is of the truth. Why? To know the truth so it can set the participants from dogmas which are molded in the darkness of the pit.

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