Who Is Shaping Your Story? | 1 Samuel 1:3

8 months ago

Ready to break free from those negative influences?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

We are in a new series on 1 Samuel and are currently in chapter one. The theme of chapter one is the six people who influenced Samuel's life: So far, we have identified Elkanah, Peninnah, Hannah, Eli, and today Eli's two sons, Hophni and Phinehas.

I will read a single verse today that quickly references these two men. It's verse three.

Now [Elkanah] used to go up year by year from his city to worship and to sacrifice to the Lord of hosts at Shiloh, where the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were priests of the Lord. — 1 Samuel 1:3

Hophni and Phinehas remain obscure in this text but become essential to Samuel's backstory. We will learn more about these two malicious, devious, and worthless sons when we get into chapter two. When you discover their character, you will see a contrast between the fathers (Eli & Elkanah) and their sons (Hophni, Phinehas, and Samuel).

As expected, social and parental influences significantly shape the sons mentioned in this story. Samuel's spiritual trajectory is much different than that of Hophni and Phinehas. But as Samuel grows, we will see his tender heart toward God and his willingness to listen to God shape his leadership and life more and more.

Today, this made me think of all the parents and people who have influenced my life—some good, some bad, some spiritual, some secular. But as I have matured, I have also learned that I bear a burden. It is a burden to listen to the right parents and the right people. The best part is that it's easy to learn who to listen to because I have a Father. He is the best Father because he is the Father of all mankind. If I listen to this Father, I will find the most fulfillment and purpose in this life. That's the difference between the two fathers and the sons in this story.

So, who are you listening to today? Are you listening to pop culture, popular media, posts on your socials, or to the Father who gives the best advice because he has your best interests in mind?



Reflecting on your own life, who are the significant influencers shaping your spiritual journey? How can you discern which voices to listen to and which ones to filter out?
Consider the contrast between the characters of Samuel and the sons of Eli. In what ways can you emulate Samuel's tender heart toward God and his willingness to listen despite the influences around you?
DO THIS: Listen to your Father!

PRAY THIS: Father, help me to discern Your voice amidst the multitude of influences in my life, guiding me toward fulfillment and purpose. Grant me the wisdom to listen to Your guidance above all others, shaping me into the person You desire me to be. Amen.

PLAY THIS: I'm Listening.

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