Wig Watch: Alfred O'Marra

4 months ago

Superior Court Justice Alfred O’Marra referred murderer #OsmanOsman to the #Ontario Review Board; until a space is available at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), he will remain at the Toronto South Detention Centre on the taxpayer dime. Osman fatally stabbed 29-year-old receptionist Julia Ferguson at a well-known downtown #Toronto law firm, #HicksAdams after harassing her for weeks. Osman has been found not criminally responsible for her death as he thought he was defending himself against demons. RIP Julia Ferguson.


Betsy Powell, "Mentally ill man not criminally responsible for killing Toronto legal receptionist Julia Ferguson", Toronto Star, https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/mentally-ill-man-not-criminally-responsible-for-killing-toronto-legal-receptionist-julia-ferguson/article_12d3315c-0bd1-11ef-8b70-1f5f100fc583.html

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