Why the Temple Mount Matters

9 months ago

Jerusalem,Israel and the Dome of the Rock (Temple Mount) why is it so important? The Jews and Muslims both claim this spot of land as theirs. Does it matter? Could their be World War 3 over this little piece of land.

For the Jews, the site is where Abraham was given the land in Genesis 12, later in a test of faith Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac his son at the top of Mount Moriah (Temple Mount) Genesis 22.

After the Jews returned from Egypt and settled in the land, God told David and his son Solomon, this is the location of the Temple (House of God), the Jews could not offer sacrifices anywhere else, only on this site.

Later Mohammad claimed to have ascended to Heaven in a night vision from the top of Mount Moriah (Temple Mount), where God conferred on him the Islamic faith. When the Muslims conquered the land from the Romans (Byzantium) in AD 637, they later built the Dome of the Rock (AD 687) on the site. This confirms to them, that Islam is chosen by God as the true religion, over Judaism and Christianity.

Both religious Jews and Muslims will never negotiate away this location. Most in the world do not understand the importance of this site. This video goal to give insight to this dilemma.

#jerusalem #israel #bible #bookofdaniel #endtimes

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