Debbie Solaris | Galactic Historian | Akashic Records from the Pleiades, Lyra, Orion, and Earth

9 months ago

“Earth humans have DNA from many different star systems” – Debbie Solaris
Debbie Solaris is an ET contactee, interdimensional traveler, and galactic historian. Debbie has received information over several hundred akashic records readings that allowed her to piece together a complete history of humanity in our Galaxy

Debbie had a very conventional and conservative Roman Catholic upbringing in a military family where “aliens and UFOs were just never discussed,” and what mattered was the material world in which we inhabit. After spending several years active-duty in the military, getting a Bachelor’s Degree in Science, and working in the environmental field as a civilian, Debbie met her life partner who was a UFO enthusiast and introduced her to the world of extraterrestrials and the paranormal.

Then in 2012, Debbie had a couple of very intense out-of-body experiences where she found herself in the interior of a huge Arcturian mothership and saw herself interacting and communicating with Arcturian and Pleiadian extraterrestrials, the very ones she previously didn’t believe existed.

After her visits with the Arcturians onboard their ship, Debbie found that her extrasensory perception had increased exponentially and that she was getting frequent “downloads” of information, mostly on “stuff that I never knew about or would have any exposure to from my schooling during my childhood and college years. I was starting to have visions and old memories resurface about ancient galactic events, stuff that was way older than anything in Earth’s history.” Subsequent reading and research have shown these events to be viable and verifiable from other sources.

What you’ll learn in this episode:
What is a starseed
What is the galactic history of humanity
how reading the akashic records works
What were the Draconian -Lyran Wars
What were the Orion Wars
Who are the Arcturians and what is their mission
More information about the Galactic Federation
“There are 100,000 ET races in the galactic federation”

“Earth humans have DNA from many different star systems”

“A majority of starseeds are from the Lyran/Vegan soul group”

“Earth was designated to be a living library”

“The true Star Wars happening in the Orion system”

Continue the adventure:
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