Got Gut Anxiety?

10 months ago

What do you do when you get that overwhelming “gut anxiety” which makes your soul so restless!? It just bubbles up from deep within your inner spiritual core. I call it my “gut”! I really don’t like those times, it is like a soul restlessness that takes away my ability to sometimes even think straight! Well, nothing is going to get accomplished until I settle the soul restlessness, so I make an appointment with God that is outside of my normal environment, some me and God time.

Why the soul restlessness? Sometimes, I realize it is God trying to get my attention, to slow me down long enough to listen up to something He has to say, or to a course correction He wants to make in me. I get way too much on my life-plate sometimes. Things I put on my life-plate that God does not, because sometimes I just can’t say no to helping someone. These are the times I get restless too, because I get over exhausted. We should really let God direct us to what we put on our life-plate. He definitely knows more than anyone what we can handle and when we can handle it.

About that God appointment…when I can’t get a handle on the soul restlessness, I will usually pick up my golf clubs, book a 9 hole appointment with the golf course, and off I go. There is something about a golf course, golf clubs, me, sunshine and exercise, that truly does help me sort through my soul restlessness. It is a great fixer for me. I go by myself, I go early, it is just me and God and usually we work things out stroke by stroke and hole by hole, as I play some golf. What is your soul fixer when you get that restlessness in your soul? Everyone is different, but golf and God time always works for me.

I get way too busy at times, so sometimes I do need a soul alignment with God. I enjoy time with God, where He can just speak into my soul and when I take that time apart with God, He never fails to speak peace back into my restless soul, and wholly-holy align my heart with His. I love that about God. I love that He meets with me right where I am at, right on the golf course, one of my sweet spots of comfort.

Did you know that gratefulness is a pathway to Soul Peace? So, it is always good to be thankful for Who God is in our lives. God is so personal! I am thankful that God, He is so good, He is always Present, He is wise and knowledgeable, He is trustworthy, His truth endures, He loves me lavishly, He is a great provider of everything I need, and I am grateful to be His. A lot of my time on the golf course, is just that, being grateful for so many things and expressing them to God as I enjoy a round of golf with Him and me. Happy golfing! God bless ya!

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