Ava: CCP Is Using Everything They Can to Destroy America and Western Civilization

9 months ago

05/15/2024 Ava on Kathleen Winn China Watch: A project that Georgia Tech and Tianjin University collaborated on has already produced a functional graphene semiconductor, which has significant military applications. It’s very dangerous, because CCP is using everything they can to destroy America and Western Civilization, including stealing your technology. We must stop this collaboration, or at least to curtail the leakage of this sensitive technology to the CCP.
05/15/2024 Ava做客Kathleen Winn China Watch:乔治亚理工学院与天津大学合作进行的一个项目已成功研发出功能性石墨烯半导体,它在军事上有重要应用。这非常危险,因为中共为了摧毁美国和西方文明,正无所不用其极,包括偷窃美国的技术。我们必须终止这种合作,或者至少减少敏感技术被泄露给中共的风险。

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