Two Sam Seder Supporters get PWNED!

9 months ago

Here is where the forfeit, I mean debate occurred

Next debate

Before the creepy old man Sam Seder blocked me because he was afraid to debate me, I had it out w/ a few more of his supporters & it did not end well for those uneducated individuals.

The first, short & one-sided debate took place against a typical Sam Seder supporter named “Trainboy1312” whose entire rebuttal consisted of “fake news.” Yes, that was all he posted. I have to laugh at grown men who can’t come up w/ a rebuttal that a 10-year-old could be trained to recite.

I responded to him twice after that, all I got was crickets. I told him that the most violent counties in America have lots of black-on-black murder & typically vote Democrat. I also challenged him to debate me on which political party does well in Minnesota counties that have murder rates well above the national average & of course he didn’t bother to respond because he would’ve been decimated. That does it for that one.

The second debate was against a lunch meat slicer named “gaiagenesis.” He didn’t fare much better & I recorded this tilt as well.

He basically said black are murdering each other because blacks are redlined into neighborhoods, where they live among other black who are murdering each other, who are redlined into dangerous neighborhoods, where blacks are murdering each other. What a retard.

I also asked him, “so blacks are marginalized & because of that they’re taking out their anger on other blacks, who are marginalized & thus angry, who are taking out that anger on other blacks, by murdering them.” Again, what a retard.

I hope you also noticed, he inherently admitted that blacks are perpetrating most of the violence in these United States or at least a very disproportionate amount.

I did have other questions for him that I will touch on, but because he bailed out & never responded to me, I was not able to ask.

Pertaining to redlining, Walter E. Williams said long ago, “A dangerous place to go is a dangerous place to send your money.” Haiti has been effectively redlined by the entire global business world. Because Haiti has an incapable labor force & a government that does not respect property rights or rule of law & is very unstable, no entrepreneur is going to invest there. They’ll invest in modern, Westernized societies like these United States because their EROI will be so much higher & despite all the problems here, the U.S. is still a prime destination for foreign investment.

By the same token, who is going to give a single mother who makes $25,000/yr. a loan for a home in inner-city Detroit? It’s a gamble, no sane person would undertake it. Sorry. Just because you do not understand basic economics does not make it a good argument. I doubt many people are moving into inner-city Detroit anyways. Next…

GaiaGenesis seems to think if the free & open sale of firearms were ended, we would have utopia. Stalin, Mao, Castro & PolPot would probably have that view as well, if your opponents are well-armed, you cannot murder them. If we prohibited the free & open sale of fentanyl on the street sans prescription from a medical professional & made cocaine illegal wouldn’t that solve the problem of drug abuse & drug overdoses, which have become a YUUUGE problem in this country?

Is he saying that blacks are murdering other blacks in neighborhoods they were redlined into because of the free & open sale of firearms? Then, why is this not a problem in majority-Asian or majority-White neighborhoods? I guess it’s not the redlining, it’s the firearms.

He whines about “automatic rifles”, but it’s illegal to possess automatic weapons without special permission from the Attorney General.

He whines about all U.S. states having porous borders, which means he must be really, really upset about the open border we’ve had w/ Mexico, thanks to kid sniffer Joe Biden for the past 3.5 years.

Is he saying Iowa should set up checkpoints & search all mentally ill people from Illinois when they come in & would that be constitutional?

I mentioned to him that in 2022, >2/3 of all U.S. counties had <2 murders, the murder problem in the U.S. is confined to a tiny part of 1/3 of all U.S. counties.

He mentions the NRA, a convenient boogeyman, a Thanos if you were or a Doomsday monster that destroys everything in its path. I could literally write a book responding to this uneducated idiot, I’ll try to be brief.

I mention to GaiaGenesis that Iowa would be considered a state w/ “loose gun laws” by the Joyce Foundation or The Giffords Law Center & our murder rate is <1/2 the national average, usually about only one-third the national average. Iowa is 4.1% Black, yet Blacks are >50% of the murderers in Iowa. How come wide swaths of these United States have virtually no murder?

How come most of MT, IA, UT, ID, WA, MN, WI, IN, MI, NH have virtually no murder & the same usual suspects (with a few new additions since COVID) are the bulk of the problem?

If you blame gun sellers for murder, do you blame Budweiser for cirrhosis? Do you blame McDonald’s for obesity? Do you blame the Federal Department of Education for millions & millions of functional illiterates? Is most of Cleveland functionally illiterate because of racism or because of ineffective government schools? He never bothered to answer that.

Delaware is a state that would have guns laws that please Democrats (but when it doesn’t work, they’ll say “we need a bit more.” When that does not work, they’ll say, “we still have more work to do”), yet their murder rate is much higher than the national average. DE has 3 counties, only one city in one county is the bulk of the problem.

Illinois’ gun laws are much stricter than Iowa’s, yet IL has a sky-high murder rate, but most of it is in a few cities, Chicago included. Outside those cities, you’re safe in IL. (see these videos where I chronicle the most dangerous cities in many states AND calculate a murder rate OUTSIDE of those cities. You’ll find out that in states w/ high murder rates, it’s a handful of cities ruining it for everyone)

In MO, TN & OH, the areas where murder is rocketing into the troposphere tend to be more “diverse” than these United States en masse & they’re run by Democrats. You cannot prove me wrong, I ran the numbers.

GaiaGenesis has one more arrow in his quiver, he starts yammering about “gun-related crimes” in the South. That’s a key point, it’s as if a state has a murder rate only 1/3 the national average & all the murders are done w/ a firearm & another state can have a murder rate 4X higher, but most of the murders aren’t guns, who is worse off?

Dead is dead, whether the weapon of choice is unknown, a gun, a knife, a crowbar or asphyxiation by rear naked choke hold.

I pointed out to this troglodyte that when Bill Clinton assumed office, the national murder rate was much higher & the South had plenty of it back then, but most state legislatures down there were controlled by Democrats in 1992. (look at all the Democrat trifectas down South during the Reagan & George H.W. years that those two won. Bill Clinton did well in the South, which is why he won in 1992. Democrats had a death grip on the South from FDR to the beginning of the Clinton Administration when some of them began to fall & prior to that, it was still a very violent place )

Down South, where murder is common, just who is committing most of those murders little fella? Do tell. He never bothered to answer. Is Delaware in the South? What about Michigan? What about Illinois? What about New Mexico (he’s talking about the Dirty Democrat South, the Confederacy, not the Southwest)?

These southern states w/ high murder rates, have you done a county-by-county analysis? I have!

Minnesota has a low murder rate overall, but two counties (Hennepin, Ramsay) there are the bulk of the problem & it’s one city in each of those counties (Twin Cities) that are the problem children. MN has a boatload of counties w/ <2 murders.

He seems shocked that guns are used to murder acquaintances. Most of the time when a gun is used to commit a murder, it’s a single victim, single offender situation, not a guy setting up in a clock tower or hotel balcony, starting to pick off people just because they’re in the wrong place at the right time.

Mass shootings make for good press & good political grandstanding, but the vast majority of murders are one person killing another person that they know. So, he actually kind of undercuts the Communist hyperventilating about mass shootings.

That does it for both those debates, little “TrainGirl” I mean “TrainBoy1312” put up no fight & “GaiaGenesis” only did slightly better before bailing out, he decided to quit while he was still behind.

I will also inform GaiaGenesis that Jesus was not woke. You’re using your own ignorance as an argument, Jesus would have judged a person on whether they’ve repented or not, because we’re all sinners, skin color was of no value.

Jesus also would not have been in favor of XY Chromosome pedophiles “changing” their gender to XX, so they can hang out in the same locker room w/ little girls. You’re pushing a false Christ, you have a lot to learn.

These are your typical Sam Seder supporters, I would wager the labor force participation rate for working age folks in his audience is woefully low & they do not want a debate, that is obvious.

If you want to know why America clings to its guns, it’s because folks like Sam Seder & his sycophants want to institute a society like the one in China, but you have to disarm the plebs before you can toss them into camps and murder them. Attacking a well-armed adversary is not a bright idea.

Free people ought to be armed & if you cannot be armed, you are not free.

All the screeenshots related to these one-sided debate can be found here

Here's proof that Sam Seder blocked me after I PWNED some of his fans, I went back & checked, you can see that I commented, but not what I said because Sam Seder has a hissy fit when I put his unemployed supporters in their place

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